Thursday 24 January 2013

Double page spread research

I have done some research on the layout and conventions of double page spreads. From this research i have found that most double page spreads, like the above existing examples, follow conventions, these conventions are: following a similar colour scheme to the front cover and contents pages of the magazine, following the rule of three colours, a full A4 size image or one that carries over to the other page is used, the headline can overlap onto the other page, the main image must be of the artist/band that the article is referring to, it is conventional to have the text in the lower half of the left or right page, the text must be written in columns, the text must start with a drop cap letter, intertwined in the text there can be pull quotes and the text must be of a size no bigger than 14 to remain professional. From my research i have found that it looks effective if a pull quote of a key thing the artist has said is used as the headline as it draws the reader in to find out more. I am going to take all of this into consideration when producing my double page spread as i want it to look professional and follow the conventions.

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