Monday 14 January 2013

Contents Page Research

From research I have gained tips on how to present my contents page. I have learnt that the contents page conventionally follows the same colour scheme as the front cover to create fluency, but still sticking to the rule of 3 colours. Above are some examples of existing contents pages from various music magazines. As you can see they all look similar in the way they are presented, the contents masthead is at the top of the page, the contents are listed down the left or the right side, each content has a number that is listed next to each content in order, there is one main image and occasionally some smaller ones on the page relating to the contents, each image has a number that matches the contents it links with and each image has a caption to show who it is and why. These are similar because they all follow the typical conventions of a magazine that are out in place to ensure that the page looks professional. I will take these tips into consideration when making my contents page to ensure that it looks professional and follows conventions. 

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