Monday 17 December 2012

3rd Front Cover Draft

Here is my 3rd draft of my music magazine. On this draft I have removed the background as I felt that it made the photo look unprofessional. I have also changed the image and picked one a bit closer up so that we can see the models features clearly and there is more eye contact with the reader. I have changed the colour of her eyes to a lighter shade of blue to make them more dominant and eye catching. I have added a plug to this draft as they are conventional for a music magazine to have, and will attract readers to buy the magazine for the offer they are getting like the free download I have used. I have added a teaser at the bottom of my page offering free posters, this will also attract readers. I have changed the colour of my sell line at the top of my page and made the font bolder, and have followed typical magazine conventions by adding an issue number in the top corner of my magazine.

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