Wednesday 24 October 2012

Reader Profile

Reader Profile

A reader profile is information put together, based on research, about the typical reader of the magazine. This includes statistical information and also information about other interests the reader may have. I looked at the magazine Uncut and their reader profile, from this I found out the percentage of male readers, the average age of the reader, whether they are married or living with a partner, working full time and their average income. I also found out that 37% of the readers own an iPod, so you would expect ads or references to the latest technology to be included in the magazine because it is what the reader is interested in. Another statistic is that 86% of uncut readers download music, so you would expect competitions to win free downloads or discount on downloads to be included in the magazine. The reader profile shows that the reader is interested in films so they would expect there to be film reviews in the magazine. From a reader profile you can find out things like how much the reader spends on magazines in a year, this will be useful when deciding the price of my magazine because if it does not fit into their price range they will not want to buy it.

Although the target audience of this magazine is not what I will be using for mine I will still take this into consideration when producing my magazine, as I will need to think carefully about reader profiles to ensure I include things in my magazine that my target audience are interested in.

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