Wednesday 24 October 2012



Demographics are current statistical characteristics of a population Commonly examined demographics include gender, race, age, disabilities, mobility, home ownership, employment status, and even location. (

When creating a magazine I would have to look at the demographics and create a demographic profile of the typical reader of my magazine. After I have done this I can then produce my magazine around this demographic profile making sure I market my magazine cleverly to fit the demographics.

Here is a rolling stones demographic table I have found, from this we can work out the typical audience gender and age of the typical reader. A demographic profile is important because if your main readers are in the upper class band then they may be willing to pay more than those in the lower class band. Demographics will also help when choosing the adverts in my magazine as I will chose adverts that match my demographic profile of readers. I will need to consider demographics carefully when producing my own magazine, as if the magazine does not match the demographic profile then the readers will be no longer interested in my magazine as it will not fit with their interests, or if I price the magazine too high or too low it will put readers off buying it.

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