2. Identify and explain choice of music genre
post pics of bands and
youtube vids etc.
3. Market
research into existing magazines that
work within the same music genre as yours (e.g. they are competition). Analyse
the conventions of each of the following using LIIAR:
- Front
Contents pages
- Double
page features4. Target audience
your ideas of target audience using demographics and psychographics - see
powerpoint slide for help.
- Audience research (existing
reader profiles) e.g to be posted on blog with a minimum 250 word summary
- Demographics
explanation/definition and a table of the grading system A, B, C etc. minimum
200 word paragraph explanation
- Uses and gratifications model
research in the theory referencing all books and internet web pages (300 word
minimum write up)
- Focus group: Planning and recording
posted on to blog
5. Price
5. Price
How often will your magazine be
published and why? (relate back to your refined target audience e.g. what can
they afford?)
6. Initial ideas based on your market research
6. Initial ideas based on your market research
showers, hand drawn drafts etc - scan them in on the scanner in the edit
board and initial ideas spider diagram
7. Digital mock ups using found images
7. Digital mock ups using found images
can be
done on Photoshop / Publisher - remember to save as .jpg files
Other inspirational
ideas that pull together your genre in relation to styling and planning a shoot
8. Planning / development:
Stage one: Set design and styling initial ideas
-Initial idea mock up front cover, contents
page and double page spread ICT
-initial idea mock up front cover, contents
page and double page spread HAND DRAWN
-Costume ideas
-Mise-en-scene/ location ideas
-Lighting ideas
Remember, you have three products
to produce and all of the images need to look like they belong together. Post
all of them (or a selection of the best) to your blog and explain your choices.
- Maybe you could film your
photoshoot and load it onto your blog.
- Start mocking up ideas (can be
done on Photoshop / Publisher - remember to save as .jpg files)
9. DRAFTS!!!
- Do absolutely loads of these in
- Save your work as a jpg. Every time
you think that you are finished, get some feedback, post the feedback, then do
ANOTHER draft!
*REPEAT STAGES 7, 8 & 9 for each of
your products e.g. Front cover, contents page, double-page spread*
10. Write your article and post it.
- Get it checked.
- Get it checked again.
- Repost it with mistakes
corrected to show your dedication to perfection.
11. Final products posted.
11. Final products posted.
Suggest how you would promote the launch of your magazine on the
internet e.g. viral marketing campaigns.
- Perhaps you could even mock up
a homepage for your magazine's own website based on research into existing
magazines and their websites. maybe you could www.wix.com
- Suggest how the relationship
between the online and print version of your magazine would work e.g. what
would be in the print version to make people BUY it rather than looking at it
for free online? What are the benefits of engaging the audience via the
13. Audience feedback on your final products and ideas for your online version.
14. Respond to audience feedback in LIIAR evaluation of your own work.
15. Do ANOTHER draft of all three products for MAXIMUM geek-osity :o)
13. Audience feedback on your final products and ideas for your online version.
14. Respond to audience feedback in LIIAR evaluation of your own work.
15. Do ANOTHER draft of all three products for MAXIMUM geek-osity :o)
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