Tuesday 19 March 2013

Comparison of first draft and final product (In Relation To Question 6)

To ensure that my product was to the best standard I made numerous drafts before deciding on my final product. My final product was created based on the feedback I got from my teacher and peers on my drafts. I then took onboard this feedback to create my final products. Below are images of my first drafts compared to my final products. I have done this to show how my product had developed and improved them more drafts I did.

                                            Front Cover

                                          Contents Page

                                    Double Page Spread

Photoshop Evaluation Question 6 (Continued)

photoshop by s0014548 on GoAnimate

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Photoshop Evaluation Question 6

As part of the media course I had to learn how to use Photoshop  At first I struggled to use Photoshop because I had never used it before, but after practice I became confident to use it to create my front cover, contents page and double page spread for my magazine. I used Photoshop in various ways e.g. to add text to my image, to remove the background of my image and to edit my image etc. Below are some examples of how I used Photoshop to edit some of my images.

Front cover image

                                                     Contents page image

Double Page spread image

Evaluation Questions 2 to 5